Our Story

In 2018, My Teaching partner and I wanted to do something nice for our team. We saw an adorable cookie idea on pinterest and wanted to gift some cookies to our team. After reaching out to a local cookier who was booked solid, I decided that I could make the cookies myself. I picked up the cookie cutter and headed home to get baking! What ensued was pure comedy. I ended up with a delicious tasting blob. From there I knew I wanted to figure out and have since been OBSESSED with baking and decorating sugar cookies!

What People Are Saying

“Not only are they adorable, but they are delicious too!”

— K. Valentine

“I’m not normally a fan of sugar cookies, but these are my favorite cookies EVER. The freshness and flavor are amazing.”

— L. Covey

SugarfixCookies produces fresh, from scratch cookies. You can taste the quality with every bite.